This exploratory and quantitative study aimed to (i) identify underutilized food plants from Angola, Africa; (ii) characterize bromatologically those most cited in the scientific literature; (ii) quantify volumes and values; (iii) chemically characterize the main foods imported by Angola, and (iv) carry out a comparative analysis of nutritional equivalence between underutilized foods and the main imported foods. We provide subsidies for public policies to promote domestic food production, aiming to preserve ecosystem biodiversity through developing a sustainable agri-food system.
Underutilized food plants as a sustainable food alternative to imported food in Angola, Africa
Silmo Schüler e Eduardo Alcayaga Lobo
ISBN: 978-85-9535-297-1 (E-book / PDF)
DOI: 10.36599/itac-978-85-9535-297-1
Ano: 2024
83 páginas
DOI: 10.36599/itac-978-85-9535-297-1
Ano: 2024
83 páginas
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